Happy 2022 everyone! A new year gives us a chance to make a fresh start, to hit the re-set button if you will. That's why, with all good intentions, we are compelled to make resolutions. It's also why, after an initial period of enthusiasm, we lose steam. Our motivation starts to wane. The reality is that habits are very hard to break, and even harder to make. A few weeks in, we're already getting lazy and/or discouraged. I'm convinced that "Dry January" may be one of the best resolutions ever because you only need to get through one month. Although I wouldn't try it myself because why, just why?
To be honest, I don't make resolutions per se; I set goals. They are pretty much the same every year: lose weight, exercise more, go to bed earlier. Those are still my goals for 2022. I am very committed to achieving them. So we shall see. Enough about that.
But I'm going to change it up a bit and make some actual resolutions as pertains to my wardrobe. They will not be easy to achieve. (if they were I guess I wouldn't need to make a resolution). Let me start by humble-bragging that I already have some pretty good wardrobe habits. I consider these an important foundation.
- My closet is highly organized so that I always know where everything is, with favorite items front and center for easy access.
- I take excellent care of my things. Clothes are hung up and lint-rolled, sweaters are shaved, shoes are cleaned - all before being put back in their designated space. Anything needing ironing or steaming is put on a separate rack until it's taken care of.
- Nobody can accuse me of being stuck in a fashion rut. I'm willing and eager to give a chance to anything that appeals to me. If it works, great; if not, at least I tried.
If none of the above sounds like you, feel free to borrow them for your own wardrobe resolutions. They're good ones. Be that as it may, there are still a few things I'm resolving to change/be better at this year. Without further ado here are my 2022 Wardrobe Resolutions:
1. Cull the herd. Even though I'm pretty good about seasonal evaluation and culling, the one exception is jackets. For years I was an ardent collector. They were a mainstay of my corporate wardrobe and the proverbial "third piece" I needed to complete my work look and feel put-together. I have some really great ones, and I still adore them. But only a few are still relevant to my current life. I'm having trouble letting go. Meanwhile, they are taking up valuable closet real estate. It's like a jacket museum. So I resolve to finally make a tough assessment as to what stays and what goes. My goal is to cull 50% of the jacket herd. This is going to be really hard for me. You'll probably hear my sobs from wherever you are.
2. Stick to my wardrobe budget. No big surprise here, but I'm an emotional buyer. I love fashion. If I fall in love, there's no dickering around for me. It'll take me exactly 2 seconds to justify buying it. In those 2 seconds, I have imagined all manner of scenarios in which I will wear said purchase. Obviously, this leads to blowing my budget. So I hereby resolve to set a realistic budget and stick to it. This one's going to be even harder than number 1. I mean, I work at Intrigue for heaven's sake! Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.
3. Be more realistic about my lifestyle. What is inevitably the first thing I'm going to fall hard for? Beautiful dressy clothes and shoes. In my imaginary life scenarios (see #2 above), I'll wear these at a glamourous cocktail party, or a garden party wedding, or to the opera, or at a table for two overlooking the Mediterranean. Do I actually do any of these things in my real life? Sadly, I do not. Any parties I go to lean way more towards the casual. No one I know is getting married (at least no one who is inviting me). I do go out to nice restaurants frequently and I always "dress", but I can only dress up so much without sticking out like a sore thumb. And let's face it, the Jersey Shore is no stand-in for Portofino. So what's a glamour-loving girl to do? I'll tell you what. She's going to resolve to stop fantasizing and get real. OMG. This may be the hardest of all.
What about you? Do you have any wardrobe resolutions for this year? Whatever they are, we'd love to help you achieve them. Annette, Debbie, and my fellow stylists and I are always here for you, and we'll help you make good decisions. When you look good, we look good. So happy new year, and good luck with all of your resolutions!