Zoom Wear Daily

"Business on the Top...Leisure on the Bottom"
Home bound Workday Reality:
Zoom Meeting at 10 ... Check!
Make-up and hair styled ... Check!
Zoom-Shirt on ... Check!
Log in ... Check!
Be in the ready for pre-planned Zoom meetings or last minute video-conference-calls with colleagues...the daily Zoom-Shirt is the answer for a put-together professional look. The old adage...first impressions are everlasting...sets the stage.
Choosing the perfect Zoom Wear isn't as simple as it sounds! Believe it or not, the garment that serves a single purpose must be durable, easy on, easy off, and fits in with all social settings confidently!
Let's be real...you're set-up in your Home Office, (otherwise known as the dining room table, with dishes in the sink just one room away). So we drop all pretenses and be ourselves...dressed for success (from the waist up)!
Mindset...the clothes you wear make a difference in how you feel! Meet and greet with enthusiasm choosing complimentary colors. Oh wait...don't forget the earrings...set the mood.
A neck scarf can be animating and appropriate at the same time. Patterns create movement and interest...be bold!
We are experiencing unique times...let's have some fun with it! 
Make a stylish statement...Intrigue's got you covered!
The hidden question lurks...
What are You wearing below the waist?
Shop Zoom-Shirts in store or online...Get yours!

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